Conforming to society's expectations of beauty is not, never has been, and never will be, "cool."
Let's take a look at this statement, shall we?
Being "cool" is not fitting in. Being "cool" is not obeying every rule.
Being cool is standing out.
Since when do punk rockers obey society's laws?
Since when do gangsters care about meeting society's high expectations?
Since when do divas and hustlers dress according to vogue? Or put on weight to meet other's standards?
I am not saying that being punk rock or being a diva is cool; What I am saying is that they do not care about what society says about fashion and appearance and they work it.
You can picture the style and swag of these groups of people effortlessly, and none of them gives a fuck about what society will think.
So next time you look in the mirror and feel inadequate, think: What would Keith Richards do? What would Eminem do? Ozzy Osbourne? Snoop?
Say fuck it.
Dress how you want to dress.
Look how you want to look.
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