I would like to argue that there is no such thing as "weird." You are you.
If you have ever been called weird or strange, an outcast or a loser- what were the reasons behind this? Was it because you dressed differently? Acted differently? Enjoyed different activities?
What so many people fail to realize is that everyone is DIFFERENT.
And, instead of ostracizing people based on these characteristics, enjoy it! You may only meet one person who enjoys putting peanut butter on celery; they are not weird. What if you never see a boy with long hair again? Never hear a girl with a low, raspy voice talk?
Everyone is unique and what makes one unique does not make one weird.
I encourage you to look for the differences in people and celebrate them. For, if that one person receives too much negative hate for their personal characteristic, what is so interesting to the world might become a nuisance to that individual. And the effect of this would be disastrous: conformity.
Embrace different hair styles and music taste, just as one should respect varying skin colors and sexualities.
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