two girls, every voice

get lost in the words & feel free to share your own

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Us here at Anonymous have both been in college for a couple of years now. We know the ropes and are here to help you transition smoothly through this amazing time.

Both of us agree that college automatically and wondrously surpasses high school, middle school, or any other school experience we have had. Forget the drama, forget waking up at the crack of dawn every day, forget the daily tedium. College sets you free!

You are allowed to choose your own classes, select a major, live on your own, and party as much as you want. Even if you are not into partying, there are clubs, sports, extracurricular activities. You are sure to find people interested in the same things as you!

Sure, not every aspect of the college life is amazing...

  • Be prepared for dorm rooms half the size of your room at home.
  • Be prepared for living with someone with whom you do not get along.
  • Prepare yourself for studying all night long and eating chicken tenders every night.
  • Prepare yourself for people talking about sex. A lot. 
  • And if you are one of those party people, prepare yourself for surprise hospitals visits to support a friend that drank way too much.
If you have questions or comments about majors, about what an RA is, about frat parties, or anything else you can think of...

Sign here,

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