No one really covers the effects of a broken home in a thoughtful way. Well, for all of you that have suffered through the misfortune of having a split family, I am here for you.
When I was ten, it happened once and I had no idea what was happening within my own family. No one around me said the word, yet everyone was splitting up and going different ways. I was not even living in the same house in which I had grown up.
When I was fifteen, it happened for real. The word was said and there was absolutely no turning back.
Everyone will have a different experience with divorce. I had a friend who thought that if this makes her parents happy then it must be a good thing. If only I could have that mentality.
I felt rejected and alone, heart broken and sad, unwanted and meaningless, embarrassed and frightened. Sometimes, thinking about all of the pain caused and suffered, I still feel that way.
Girls, hang in there.
Try to take relief in the fact that hopefully you do not have to listen to your parents fight anymore. You do not have to change lives. Maybe some members of your family are more happy.
Though I feel like a hypocrite writing these words, I want you to know that, despite what your heart might tell you, you will not die of pain and sadness. It is an extremely trying time, but you can get through it.
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